hit the right witness he would leaf through till he found the right name and make delivery.
January 18th rolled around. It was just two days before trial time and everyone was getting nerous. Tony had been guarded by the police, without knowing it, since the Cole had fe t this necessary, records of Leone and friends.
day of the deposition. since he read the It was starting
to get cold when he decided to double check on Tony's place. He parked his car across from Tony's and remained in it for several hours, listening to the radio and trying to look at a girly magazine in the light coming from a store window.
It was near 10:00 P.M. when Cole saw Leone approach the restaurant then duck into an alley. Two other boys soon joined him. The other two approached Tony's from another direction then stopped in front of a magazine stand. The light's went out in Tony's and Cole watched him as he locked the front door. He started walking in Leone's direction. When Tony came to the alleyway Leone 1 aped in front of him with two of his boys. The other two at the magazine stand closed in from behind. Cole sprang from the car and raced in their direction. He could see two plainclothes men oing in at the same time. They got there just in time to see Leone stab Tony in the stomach.
You're under arrest Leone said one of the
plainc tothesmen.
Th other boys made attempts to start running but were blocked off by Cole and some policemen who had closed in the other end of the alley.
Cole waited at the hospital while the doctor's worked on Tony, until h. got word that they had